Oil Flushing as Part of Your Routine Maintenance: All There Is to Know

Power plants, steam turbines, hydraulic systems, refineries, etc., rely on oils, lubricants, and other fluids to function correctly. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to ensure the efficiency and longevity of your industrial equipment in such applications is to keep the oils free of contaminants. Contaminated oils are ineffective. In addition, contaminants flowing into your industrial systems can destroy your equipment, causing premature failure or even total breakdown. Therefore, routine maintenance is essential to ensure the oil is free of contaminants. Oil flushing is usually the most effective solution for this. Here's all you need to know about it.

What It Is And How It Works

Oil flushing is an industrial process of removing contaminants like water, residue, oils, dirt, and chemicals from industrial equipment. Usually, immersion heaters or submersion radiators like flanged heaters are used to heat liquids at high temperatures, forcing them through your industrial equipment system and high velocity to remove contaminants. The fluids used in flushing may contain detergents and other solvents that help break down any stubborn contaminants. Similarly, the fluids or liquids are usually forced through the system at high temperatures to help dissolve debris.

The Importance

Oil flushing is essential to the proper functioning of your industrial equipment. Naturally, the procedure is done to keep your industrial equipment safe, clean, and optimally functional. Clean equipment will also ensure your products are clean, enabling you to remain compliant with the required industrial equipment cleanliness specifications and standards.

Generally, dirty industrial equipment comes with many risks, including regular damages, faulty issues, and breakdowns that can be expensive to fix. Therefore, oil flushing will help avoid all of these and ensure you enjoy benefits like equipment longevity, reduced operation and maintenance costs, and increased oil or fluid durability.

The Types

Oil flushing can be done in several ways. The standard techniques used are high-velocity oil flushing, circulation filtration, rinse or purge flushing, and system flushing. As the name suggests, high-velocity oil flushing employs high-flow filtration skids to clean your equipment's interior surfaces.

Similarly, like high-velocity flushing, system flushing relies on a bypass system of pumps. However, unlike high-velocity flushing that uses external pumps, system flushing relies on the industrial system's own pumps. For this reason, it tends to be relatively slower.

On the other hand, circulation filtration is performed when the industrial system runs. As the name suggests, it relies on an external filtration system. It's best for regular maintenance work like annual maintenance. Last, rinse and purge flushing typically entails draining your industrial system and refilling the reservoir with neutral or fresh oil.
